Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Time For Fun!

For the last two days I have been trying to upload this amazing Magic video from YouTube but can't figure out how to do it go to and search for Magic1320 and watch it. It's funny!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Thanks to all of you for loving me and caring. I'm over my pity party today and finished wearing my feelings on my shoulder. I'm trying very hard to give all this over to God. Only He can fix it anyway. I did find out though that there are a lot of you out there reading my blog who don't leave a feel free anytime to do so!

Monday, October 29, 2007

I am sad and I never thought things would turn out this way in my life.
Don't want to talk about it. Can't talk about it. That's all...

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Book Questions

These questions were on Rushton's blog...I've been thinking about them for several days...I'm still not sure I have all the answers...

1. Hardcover or paperback, and why? whichever is cheaper
2. If I were to own a book shop, I would call it... Escape
3. My favorite quote from a book (mention the title) "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies." from Gone with the Wind
4. The author (alive or deceased) I would love to have lunch with would be Janet Evanovinch
5. If I was going to a deserted island and could only bring one book, except for the SAS survival guide, it would be…the Bible
6. I would love someone to invent a bookish gadget that… hold the book open and turn pages for me while I do something else with my hands
7. The smell of an old book reminds me of...the stacks in the Harding Library.
8. If I could be the lead character in a book (mention the title), it would be… Stephanie Plom in the Janet Evanovinch books
9. The most overestimated book of all times is…. Harry Potter? I don't really know
10. I hate it when a book…It doesn't have a happy ending

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Home Group

We had a great home group meeting tonight. Ken and Joan Cox, Rick and Leslie Gillespie, Paul and Caroline Phillips, Susie and John Hite, and Phil Hart along with Tim and me. We sang for about an hour out of these old, old hymnals (the skinny blue ones before the blue ones we used in college). It was a great time of prayer and fellowship!

I aso found a video clip today on you tube but I can't figure out how to get it on my blog...i know I did it once before, but my mind is mush will really make you think about what it important in life! Go to and search for Randy Pausch on Oprah. Let me know what you think.

Another blog you might want to check out is This one is written by Mike Cope's sister-in-law, Pam, who is in Cambodia try to rescue children from being sold into the sex slave business. It is heartbreaking!

Hope you are all having a great week and that the weekend will be even better!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

AWH Pie Auction

We had the annual AWH Pie Auction last night. It was great fun as usual! We raised $6000 just by selling the pies. That doesn't count ticket money so when that gets added in, I don't know what the total will be. If you weren't there, you missed out on great food and great fellowhship!

And this morning at church, Rena and Wheeler Howard were there with Helena. She is so precious. Go to Reagan's blog to see photos of her. I hated that Tim didn't have his camera in his pocket this morning ( he usually carries it with him everywhere!) so I could get of photo of me with her to post.

We've had a great, I've got to study for my class tomorrow night! Hope your weekend was great, too!

One more thing...put Brett and April (gillespie) Emmerson on your prayer list. Some guy who repaired their truck took it on a joyride when he was finished and now it is a big ball of metal. The guy was in a coma but has come out and they think he will live, but April is having labor pains early and they need to leave soon to go to Accra (about 8 hours away from where they live) to await the arrival of the new baby. They'll have to borrow a car from the team. Pray for their safety.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Mom Song Sung to William Tell Overture with Lyrics

Can't believe I figured out how to do this. This is not the parenting advice I would give, but I think this is sooooo funny!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Well, the big test is over once again. I don't think it was as hard this time but that's not saying that I passed. There were 2 questions that had straight answers that I knew that only one answer could be correct... well, actually, there were 3 but one of them was about a symdrom that I had never heard of (Picca) I'll have to look it up. I"m just glad it's over for now!!! Tim and I are going to see a movie and relax!

And I have to tell you, it is a really small world! Last night, Daniel and Susanne Hurd were here and we went to eat at Bonefish Grill. Food was excellent. We were sitting at a community table because we didn't have reservations and these other two couples came and sat on the other end. Before the night was over, the guy next to me turned and introducted himself and he was from INDIANOLA, MS! Can you believe that ?... and that's not all, his brother went to church with me all while I was growning up and he knew my Daddy and my Uncles and Bill and Diana and almost everybody I knew in Indianola and a lot of people I didnt' know. He used to be a crop duster and he did my daddy's fields. Now he's retired and lives in Grmantown. And he had that Delta gentleman accent - you know where they say "Dolla" instead of dollar. He knows mama and Mutt. It was really neat. Of course, Tim and Daniel spend the whole night talking about flying so he (his name was Larry Hall) coulnd't resist getting in on the conversation. Beckie, you would love to have hime in your speech class as a guest...he speaks more"delta" that Jay Henley - who he also knows!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

I have been tagged

Ok, Reagan, just for you...7 things about me...

1. I have decided that I don't care how many typos are in this...this is the third time I have typed it and when i tried to preview it to correct any mistakes, I've deleted the whole thing and had to start over! UGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

2. I am taking additional classes needed to sit for the LPC Board. It is supposed to be more fact based than the MFT Board and therefore easier to pass. I am taking the MFT Board again on Saturday but I am not worrying myself to death studying for it...hasn't done any good so far anyway only created more test anxiety!

3. My Myers-Briggs Type is ESFJ. One of my top 5 occupations to consider is Culinary Arts! How funny is that! But, I never said I couldn't cook, jus that I DON'T cook.

4. I don't like animals in my house. I grew up on a farm and animals belonged outside.

5. I have complete confidence in Tim's ability to fly and I will be sooooooooo glad when this FAA stuff is over and he can fly again. It's all making me crazy!

6. I loved the Zoe Conference on Friday night. It was wonderful and we got to see several friends that we haven't seen in a while but we ended up spending Saturday with family. Noah scored a touchdown at his flag football game and Tim's parents showed up with Tim's mom's famous homemade apple pies for his birthday which is on Monday.

7. I hope to go to Greece, France, Japan, Pepperdine Lectures, and Ghana in 2008.

And I don't think I'll tag anyone else...Last time, no one did it anyway, so if you feel the burning desire to give us 7 facts about yourself, please have at it! I'd love to hear from you!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Great Crab Claws

Just a quick note to say that my play therapy conference was really good and I got lots of practical ideas, but the best part was getting to see Vivian and eat dinner with her on Wednesday night and spend the night with her on Friday night...I ate crab claws for every meal except breakfast while I was down there and I even had a hot Krispy Kreme donut for breakfast on Saturday morning before I left Mobile. YUM!!!!