Friday, March 24, 2006

Tell someone you love them before it is too late!

I just came back from a funeral. Actually, it was a celebration of a wonderful man's life and was pretty much like how I want my funeral to be one day...All wonderful rememberance of fun things that I did with my friends and family...but each of this man's children had either picked a song to be sung or one child even recorded "Wind Beneath My Wings" to be played (which was beautiful!) or written a letter to be read at the funeral. As the letters were read, I hoped and prayed that they had said all those wonderful things to their dad BEFORE he died. Too often we take for granted that others know how we feel about them...Let the people who you love and appreicate know it now so they can bask in the joy of knowing and feeling loved and appreciated!


Unknown said...

wow...welcome to blogging...its addictive!

Jane Maness said...

You are so am telling you right now how much I love and admire you. You have been the wind beneath our wings for the last two years. You have always been there for both of us! Love you bunches!