Friday, August 04, 2006

I Knew Almost All the Answers!

I just spent 2 hours with Dr. Flatt quizzing me and three others who are getting ready for the MTF Exam. I knew the answer to nearly every question he asked...I just don't get it....I told him I knew all the theories and thier "fathers" and the buzz words for's just when they put them in questions and make the answers so close to each other that you have to pick the one that is the most right, I don't know if I'll ever be able to do that. He assures me that by the time we finish that I will be avble to do it. Jusst keep praying for me!

Dr. Flatt will be at the APA next weekend so we won't have supervision next week which will be good becuase Laura and John will be here so I will get to spend more time with them.

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

i kinda scared about my boards in the spring for those very reasons.

BW said...

take a deep cleansing can do can do can do it!

Rick and Leslie said...

Becky is right. You can do it and you will do it. =-)

Anonymous said...

Wish you well!

Rushton said...

Two incredibly smart women have confidence in another woman in this conversation. You may pass the potato to see who gets to be "another woman" at any point in time! I'd just like to say, I have confidence in all three of you in anything you put your hand to do!