Man signing for the deaf in church.

Quite a common sight.

These were a very frequent sight inside and out. They were quite colorful depending on where they had been and would not harm you.

Shops below and people live above in the apartments. This is one of the nicer places of business and living quarters we saw.

Can you believe that these ladies and even little children can carry this huge pans on their heads loaded with all sorts of items from bags of water to yams to wood and still carry a baby on thier backs too?!? Some men do it, too, but not as many as women.

These are some of the Bible students at the Ghana Bible college. I loved hearing them raise their voices in priase to God during chapel. the only thing is that the leader always sings the first line or two of the song and then says, :Go" and everyone else starts to sing. I never got the hang of that...I always stated singing when he did...I even told Leanne to hit me if I continud to do it, but it didn't do any good. Guess all those chorus directors all those years pounded it into me to start with the leader and it is a hard habit to break!
these pictures are great!
do you have any pictures of the bags of water? that might be the most foreign sounding thing to me.
you should take john and me with you to ghana, since dad sounds like he doesn't much want to go.
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