This is the wonderful dinner that John cooked for us last night. Everything tasted as wonderful or better than it smelled. Most of the ingredients were fresh from the farmers' market making the dinner even more tasty...fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, apples for the apple crisp... We enjoyed the evening just sitting around the table and visitng with each other.
This is another photo destined for our "Hall of Fame" with the "Pole Pictures." (Laura and Joe with one in North Carolina and the other in South Carolina, Vivian and Joe singing in the rain at DisneyWorld, Vivian and Joe in Liverpool, Cristen and Laura in Colorado, etc. each time they are hanging onto a pole of some sort.) I finally figured out a way to keep John from putting horns on my head...
1 comment:
I saw from a comment on Beckie's blog that you may STILL not be home. Girl, when do you sleep?
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