Look at this beautiful smile! Nigel is such a cutie! We are really going to miss him and John and Laura, too. I'm already planning my next trip to Canada. Can't let that precious little one grow up without knowing me!

He's chewing on a toothbrush in this photo. What could be more appropriate?

Laura, John, and Nigel came in on December 22nd. As you can tell in this photo, it's a grandmother's joy to hold the sleeping grandbaby as long as she can.

We started our holidays with a surprise 30th birthday party for our "adopted" son, Daniel. His wife, Suzanne, put in lots of work to make it be a fun surprise party for him complete with an airplane cake. The only thing is that the cake maker didn't realize that she had to put wheels on the plane therefore, it appeared that he had a belly in landing, but like they say, any landing you can walk away from is a good one!
We had lots of family and friends in and out while the Hacker-Wrights were here and we enjoyed every minute of it. John's mom joined us from Austin, Texas a couple of days. My family all came and of course our Harding friends came for our annual sleep over.
It was a wonderful time!
Hope you all have a Happy 2009!
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