Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It's been fun

I've spent a part of the last three weekends in Searcy. First for Spring Sing, then for Associated Women for Harding Spring Meeting and National Council Meeting and then Tim and I went for University Builder's Club last weekend. We heard Zell Miller speak. He was wondeful and I would vote for him for Preseident if he ran (even though he is a Democrat). He is the only person living who has ever spoken at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions and I can certainly see why after listening to him at Harding. He really stands for what is good and moral and right and made that statement that he thinks that right now the party lines are hurting our country more than helping it becuase of pride and stubborness. I tend to agree with him...but then, since I live in a news black out most of the time, I can only take his word for it and he was pretty strong.

After the speech we ran into Lauren Crawford (from Sycamore View) and her boyfriend, David Flatt. Loren bought us a cup of coffee on her Declining Balance Card (you know it's one of those use it or lose it deals and she has way to much money to use before the end of the shcool year). We enjoyed the coffee, but we enjoyed the company more. We also got to visit with my nephew, Wil, and meet several of his friends. And I got to see and visit with Dr. and Mrs. Carr (JIm and Stephanie) all three weekends...that was a real treat as well as Dr. and Mrs. Ganus (Cliff and Louise). They have such special places in my heart!

On Friday we had meetings and came home Friday afternoon. Our friend, Beth, was wonderful, as always to give us a bed! Poor Beckie had to be in fort Walton Beach for the weekend for a Speech Convention. Tony had a bunch of his friends over to cook out on Friday night so Tim and I just sort of hid out in our bedroom and enjoyed having some time alone. Saturday night we had the praise team over for a cookout. That was fun, too. Life is just good! Now, if I can just make myself stop playing on this computer and go back to studying for my Boards once again...I'll be doing good, too.

Oh, one more thing...Leslie Gillespie called last night and said that they had a great weekend in Montgomery with April and Brett and Caden. It was missions weekend and they raised more money than their goal so they were all excited. God is good!


BW said...

You were here again?!?!?!? I had no idea. Is there going to be a wedding shower?

Tammie's Thoughts said...


Tammie's Thoughts said...

I was trying to show Tim how to make a comment on a blog in the one above...I didn't really mean to publish it.....