Monday, July 03, 2006

Fireworks and mototcycles

We just came from watching the Bartlett City fireworks. Our friends, Ed and Leanne, live right on the lake across from where the fireworks display is every year so they cook out and everyone else brings sides to go with the burgers and hot dogs. It's always great fun to visit with everyone and watch the fireworks. This year, I laid down on the couch and went to sleep about 5:00 thinking I'd sleep an hour or so but I didn't wake up until Joe came down and asked what time we were supposed to leave. I said, "About 6 or 6:30," To which he replied, "it's already 7:45." So we jumped up and i grabbed the cheese and crackers left over from the reception and we took off on THE MOTOCYCLES (because we knew there would be no parkikng places left by this time) was a real experience trying to hold onto Tim and the food on the back of the motocycle, but we made it just fine...brought back memories of 33 0r 34 years ago riding on Daddy's moptorcycle before we got married. In fact, since we made it ok this time, even in all the bad traffiic, I might even try it again...if I don't have to go too far!


Unknown said...

wait....the logic of this isnt sinking in with me....where was the food? i mean, you were holding on, right? was it a ziploc bag or something? here's what i'm picturing: tim driving the motorcycle at top speed (because, a. he's tim, and b. y'all are late), you are holding on to tim AND a silver platter of cheese and crackers covered in siran wrap, b/c they are left over from the reception.
what am i missing here?

Anonymous said...

Actually, the cheese and crackers were in ziplock bags and wooden cutting boards were in another bag and they were all in one big shopping bag that was sitting in front of Tim while I was holdikkng onto him and the bag. Laura and John didn't use any silver for their reception...In fact, someone else borrowed my silver punch bowls that day! They used white ceremaic bowls and platters and iced down the drinks in tubs. I'm sorry you weren't here!

Rushton said...

The last thing I "carried" on the motorcycle was catfish takeout. We ate flaky-yummy hush-fish-puppies.
You were a very resourceful motorcycle-mama! Cycling is ALMOST as much fun as a horse and a very close second to Sophie with the top down and the air on!