Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday, July 28

This has been an interesting week. Wil left this afeternoon to go to Searcy to be in South Pacific. He was summoned by Sally Paine. Someone dropped out and they needed a fill in for the last minute so Wil left to try to catch up.

We went to see Lady in the Water this afternoon. It was interesting.....

Luke Cooke and Joe have been in Mississppi the last few days helping Diana. She says they've been a good help and not in the way. I'm really grateful for that! Joe is going on Saturday to start his new evealuation. He hasn't had one since he was 16. It will be quite pricey, but it will be well worth it to find out if he still has schozophrenia...I don't know what I dread the most- finding out that he does or that he doesn't, because if he deosn't, we're going to have to makie some major decidions.

I ate lunch with Linda Bateman on Wednesday. We talked about our kids and lots of other things, among them, setting up an enrichment program for kids and maybe parents to discuss ADHD and help them understand exactly what it is and learn coping skills to help them in school. Maybe for the spring or next summer. I'm excited about those possibilities.

I talked to Laura a little while ago, They're doing well...kind of camping out in their apartment since their stuff won't arrive until Monday. They'll be back on the weekend of August 12 for April Cox's wedding.

Have a good weekend!


john/laura said...

we thought that lady in the water was not very good at all.

BW said...

I think we need to talk soon. I have some ideas for south Italy.

Rushton said...

I'm currently making Jenn's apple brownies. Can you smell them from there?

Anonymous said...

Wish you well!

Tammie's Thoughts said...

Come on, anonymous, sign your name!