Monday, September 24, 2007

AACC and Play Therapy Confernce

A couple of weeks ago, I went to Nashville for the American Association of Christian Counselors at the Opryland Hotel. It was a great confenrence with some great speakers - Max Lucado, Larry Crabb, John Eldridge, Dan Allender, Kay Authur, among others. And I got to see several people that I had not seen in a long time - Adrian Hickman and his daughter, Andrea and his sisten-in-laws who were visiting him at the Capstone booth, Sharron Pharr and Kim (I can't remember her last name). I also saw Dr. JoNeal Kirby and Elaine Denman. It was good to see my friends from Harding and catch up.

I'm leaving this Wednesday to go to Orange Beach, AL to a play therapy workshop on Thursday and Friday. I'll get to see Vivian and eat some crab claws. I'll spend the night with Vivian on Friday and drive home on Saturday. Now I just have to figure out how to make the navigation system in my car work like I want it to. When we went to Branson this summer, Tim fixed it so it wouldn't keep directing us to interstates and I ended going way out of the way to get to Opryland...I don't want to do that going to Orange Beach!

I think I could spend all my time going to seminars and never seeing clients...


Artist-Tim said...

We are CE groupies.

Steve Puckett said...

I saw you at Matt Dabbs' blog. I also attended the AACC and found it to be quite good. I've also a preacher down in Florida and spent a stint in Memphis at Harding Graduate School.


J. Cliff said...

one would thing with all the traveling you do, it would be appropriate for you to make it to philly sometime soon....

i'm just saying...

Bluecanary said...

Hello Tammie,

Good to know that you have a blog, which I found through Jeff's. I really enjoyed staying at your house last March. This semester I am taking an online course, but next semester may have me in Memphis for a week again. Thanks for your great hospitality.

-Tim Spain