I guess you wonder why after a year's time, I would post a photo of Laura and John and put a title that says I am so thanksful! Well, life has a way of catching your attention sometimes...sometimes good and sometimes, not so good. This week my heart is breaking for some friends that I grew up with in Indianola. They no longer live there, but their daughter, Heather, who was the same age as Laura, was murdered by her druggie boyfriend...beaten to death with a hammer. He had hit her once before and she required 50+ staples to put her head back together and though her family and freinds encouraged her to stay away from him, she with her good heart, after he had finished a stint in a drug rehab program took him back. Just a few days later, she was dead. Somehow that seems to be the pattern a great deal of the time for battered women. The saying goes, "the first time you get hit, you're a victum, the second time, you're a volunteer." But somehow, it's just not that simple. For whatever reason, Heather looked for the good in him and after his stay in rehab, thought that he would be "cured" and that her Christianity would be a light for him...
So today, I am especially grateful for John and his love for Laura. When I am around them, their love for each other is obvious and his protection of her is quite visible. If I ever say or do anything that upsets her or makes her uncomfortable (which I do usually unknowingly with my big mouth...you know I have this problem of saying what I think when I think it...), he calls me on the carpet and lets me know that I need to be more careful about what I say so that I don't hurt her feelings.
So, John and Laura, I love you both very much and I love that you are so in love with each other. I am so proud of you both and of your accomplishments in every area of your lives (except for one and you know what I'm talking about - that I can't change, I can only pray about!). THANK YOU SO MUCH, JOHN, FOR LOVING AND TAKING SUCH GOOD CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL! AND HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON THE 18TH!!!
Thanks for the posts on my blog- of support. God did provide the words for Heather's funeral.
He also is working in her family- who demonstrated the dignity and grace of God throughout.
And wow, look at your daughter! Time sure flies by.
What a hard time for those families. They are in my prayers.
How horrible! We are thankful for John, Laura, Joe, you and Tim!!! Family is a blessing!!
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