First the good news...I made an A in my Career Counseling class! Hooray! Now I have to take Testing and Assessments next semester. Hope I'll do as well in that class. I should since I'm a lot more interested in that subject.
Now the sad...well, on one hand, it's not so sad. We buried Papa Mutt yesterday. It was a blessing to see him at peace in his casket yesterday. When Robin and I took Mama to see him on Friday night, he was struggling for every breath and it was so hard to see him like that. He had already told us he never wanted to live that way. Bill, Diana, and Tamara Lynn went to see him at the last visitation time that night and then he died during the night. Somehow I think he was just holding on until he saw all of his children. Mutt and Mama had been married for over 20 years. My daddy died when Joe(y) was still in diapers and he's 26 now. Though I dearly loved and still do love my daddy, Mutt was really good to Mama and he made her laugh. Even on Thanksgiving when we moved them into the nursing home, he was still joking and laughing with us and making her laugh. The good think I can say about his death is that he didn't linger long. They found the cancer right before Thanksgiving and it was very fast growing and aggressive and he was gone in just a couple of weeks. I'll never forget the first Christmas he had with us. Never having had children himself (well, he did have one who died when he was a baby) he'd never experienced a big family Christmas and so when he had gifts piled up higher than his head, he was more fun to watch than the children. He was so excited! And he loved to give to us, too. He took good care of Mama and for that I will forever be grateful. All the grandsons who were old enough were pall bearers. I was really proud of Joe, dressed in his suit and tie and looking so sharp and being there for the family in spite of the fact that he had a migraine. (Tim had to stop twice on the way down for him to throw up, but he hung in there anyway and did his part!) There was one really funny thing...the new preacher at Indianola whom none of us knew led the singing...Wil and Tim decided that it didn't really matter because when he started the songs, if the Skelton and the Horis clans didn't like how he was leading singing that we'd just all take over and sing how we wanted to sing anyway, but that wasn't necessary. He did a good job. I think Pappa Mutt would have liked the singing and Mama sang along with every word!
Now, please pray for Mama. She seems so lost and alone without him. Several times yesterday on the way from Corinth to Indianola, she looked at me and asked if I knew that her husband had died and she didn't know how she would make it without him. I pray that when she not longer knows all of her children, the Lord will take her home, too.
Thanks to everyone for all your love and prayers and support! Especially to Beckie for coming from Searcy and to Brenda and Randy for coming from Memphis to be with me!
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May God send you his Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to hold you in your grief.
i'm working on getting a job as a substitute teacher for the semester, but getting all of the paperwork in is harder than i thought! i'll just have to keep working on it! they mentioned your stepfather's decease in church on sunday - I hope ya'll are doing okay.
Mrs. Tammy,
Just wanted you to know that Cliff and I will remember your mama in our prayers. We are sorry to hear about papa mutt.
We love you.
We are thinking about ya'll and your mama....Wish we all lived closer and we could bring you big hugs!!
God bless! I have heard stories of Mutt for a long long time now. Please give Rob my love as well!
Les, jr.
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