We have spent this weekend partying with our friends here in Memphis. We started Friday night with our annual group dinner which we have been doing since before some of us had children...so this was our 28th or 29th year for that dinner. It is always great fun. Wonderful food, wonderful fellowship, wonderful friends...until we start playing dirty Santa...then watch out...all niceness goes out the window and the fight is on but we have great fun!
Then Saturday night we had the praise team party at our house. We ate and sang Christmas carols. It sounded beautiful! Ed Riddick brought his keyboard. He is amazingly talented as is his whole family! I think that Tim could have sang all night!
Today at lunch we had our Sunday school class party at Ed and Leanne's. Needless to say, more good food and fellowship and tonight, we had home group here at our house with more great food and fun and fellowship and a dirty Santa ornament exchange. I think everyone was pretty happy with what they ended up with. Fred Collier got his annual UT ornament...nobody else wants it...I got a Santa dish...Tim ended up with a Christmas recipe card deck...how funny is that...maybe I'll be encouraged to cook or maybe Laura will like it and use it.
Rick and Leslie are leaving in a few days for Togo to see April and Brett and their grandchildren. The partying is over for me for now. My final is tomorrow night so I have to discipline myself to study all day tomorrow for that. Guess I'm a glutton for punishment...just keep taking classes and having to study...oh, well, they say life long learning wards off Alzehemizers...
Any classes this spring?
Yes - Testing and Assessments
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