Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Trip to the old home place - for Tim's mom

Carol and Joan
Joan and her grandparents' graves
Laurel, me, and James
Joan in front of the old house where Auntie Bert and Uncle Gene lived.
The gate to where the old house used to be where George Benson (Joan's uncle) grew up.
The sign "Crestview" at the farm
The old church building

We left early Friday morning last week and flew out to Oklahoma to see Tim's mom's old home place where she grew up. It was really neat. At first I was not certain I wanted to go and didn't understand why she wanted to go, but after we got there it was abundantly clear. She pointed out a tree that her dad had planted and we looked through the house her Auntie Bert and Uncle Gene had lived in. She pointed out other special places in the area. We went to the grave yard where her grandparents and great grandparents were buried. It was really neat and touching. We also looked at the old church building where Joan and her family had gone to church.

Then we left and went to Lubbock to see Joan's sister, Pat. We had a nice visit with her and on Saturday, we went to Shervport to eat dinner with Carol and Charley and James and Laurel. It was a really neat trip.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Christian the Lion - the full story (in HQ)

I am so grateful for all of my friends - new and old as the saying goes, one is silver and other gold!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Family Reunion

Singing and loving it! Aunt Ruth, Mike Williams, Uncle Tom, Billy Williams
Singing some more! Terry Williams, Mike Williams, and their sister, Cindy.
This is just as we arrived at the reunion. Mike Williams who worked so hard to put it all together, me, Aunt Ruth and Uncle Tom, my mom's youngest brother.

We had a great time yesterday at the Williams Family Reunion. My mom's mom was a Williams. We got to see people I haven't seen in years (or some since Mama's funeral. As always we had a wonderful time of fellowship and singing! We used to do this every summer at Ma and Pa Horis's house in the country and we'd have literally trailers loaded with food and then we'd sing til we couldn't sing anymore. It was a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

More Nigel Photos

Chicago and Toronto

We had a great time in the Windy City seeing Wicked. I think even Vivian enjoyed the show. She and Tim about walked my legs off but we had fun.
Then we went to Toronto. We landed at the Toronto City Island Airport that is in Lake Ontario and then we had to take a ferry across to the mainland to meet Laura. We went to eat with Laura, John, and Nigel that night at a neat little Italian restaurant down the street from their apartment. They live in a neat part of the city called the Junction. All the light poles have little trains on them. It reminds me a lot of the Cooper-Young district in Memphis. Vivian, Tim and I spent the next day riding on the double decker bus touring the city and seeing lots of historical sights then John, Laura and Nigel came to our hotel and we ate at a restaurant down the street from there. The food wasn't so great but the company was wonderful. The next day, we went to Gilbraltar Point Island. It had a neat light house and lots of other neat things to do. That night Laura and John went out for dinner and let us babysit Nigel. That was so fun! Vivian gave him a bath in the sink. He really liked playing in the water and she also introduced him to a pacifier which he really seemed to take to. I had fun just holding him and kissing him. I was singing to him when he was being fussy and all of a sudden, he just "koncked" out. Then I just held him the rest of the night...that is what grandmothers are suppose to do isn't it?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Here are a couple of more photos of Nigel. We are leaving on Friday and going to Chicago for the weekend to see Wicked (we're taking Vivian with us - she's dreading having to go see Wicked, but she's excited about seeing Nigel!) We tried to get Diana to go but she has to babysit her house and getting it built. She says it is coming along nicely. I might have to run down there tomorrow to see it! Then we are going to Toronto to see Nigel and Laura and John and their new apartment. I can't wait to see my babies (all three of them) and get new photos and see how Nigel has changed!