Here are a couple of more photos of Nigel. We are leaving on Friday and going to Chicago for the weekend to see Wicked (we're taking Vivian with us - she's dreading having to go see Wicked, but she's excited about seeing Nigel!) We tried to get Diana to go but she has to babysit her house and getting it built. She says it is coming along nicely. I might have to run down there tomorrow to see it! Then we are going to Toronto to see Nigel and Laura and John and their new apartment. I can't wait to see my babies (all three of them) and get new photos and see how Nigel has changed!
Have a wonderful trip, be safe and hugs around for everybody. Give little Nigel a few smooches from his Nana Beth and I need an address for something I have for him. Love ya!
I miss you!
Africa was great.
Kisses to all.
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