We had a great time in the Windy City seeing Wicked. I think even Vivian enjoyed the show. She and Tim about walked my legs off but we had fun.
Then we went to Toronto. We landed at the Toronto City Island Airport that is in Lake Ontario and then we had to take a ferry across to the mainland to meet Laura. We went to eat with Laura, John, and Nigel that night at a neat little Italian restaurant down the street from their apartment. They live in a neat part of the city called the Junction. All the light poles have little trains on them. It reminds me a lot of the Cooper-Young district in Memphis. Vivian, Tim and I spent the next day riding on the double decker bus touring the city and seeing lots of historical sights then John, Laura and Nigel came to our hotel and we ate at a restaurant down the street from there. The food wasn't so great but the company was wonderful. The next day, we went to Gilbraltar Point Island. It had a neat light house and lots of other neat things to do. That night Laura and John went out for dinner and let us babysit Nigel. That was so fun! Vivian gave him a bath in the sink. He really liked playing in the water and she also introduced him to a pacifier which he really seemed to take to. I had fun just holding him and kissing him. I was singing to him when he was being fussy and all of a sudden, he just "koncked" out. Then I just held him the rest of the night...that is what grandmothers are suppose to do isn't it?
He is SO BEAUTIFUL!!! Sorry, Tim, I'm talking about Nigel.
I know you enjoyed that baby and I can already hear the engines of the plane revving for a return flight.
Love to you both!
Tim looks so serious. Nigel looks like a good kid. I might even babysit him.
Yes, Tammie, Grandmothers are supposed to hold and spoil their grandchildren as much as possible. I am so glad you had such a great visit, and that John and Laura got a night out as well. Nigel is beautiful! I can't wait for John and Laura to make a Memphis visit so the rest of her "family" can see him as well. =-)
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