Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tim Update and AWH National Council Meeting

Tim is undoubtly the worse patient I have ever seen! However, he is doing fine. Today, he and Joe are running around and Joe is loving being able to drive Tim around in the truck. We all got up this morning and went to eat breakfast together. Tim intends to go back to work on Monday. Joe is looking for things to take with him to China. His boss at Fed Ex tells him that in a month and a half he can put in for a transfer to China so he is planning on putting in a transfer for where ever it is in China that Luke Cooke lives and going there to be with him. I don't know if I really like that or not, but I may not have a choice because Luke is really encouraging him to come live with him.

Tim has an appointment with the same doctor in St. Louis on April 30. He thinks he'll get cleared to drive and fly again sooner if he just stays with the same one especially since he has talked to his nurse practicioner and they have decided that he was hyperventilating. I did notice that the oxygen was burning my nose which is unusual so I started breathing through my mouth to counter act that and was reading my book so I didn't realize for a while that Tim had turned the oxygen up and was snorting it like crazy. The strangest thing is he hardly ever puts on oxygen until he has been at 12, 500 for 30 minutes which is what the regualtions require but on that Sunday, he put it on before we even reached that altitude and then felt like he wasn't getting enough so he turned it up higher ( you turn the oxygen on to the same elevation at which you are flying so you get the right amount - that's why my nose was burning - I was getting too much oxygen!)

Before I left to go to Searcy for the AWH Spring Meeting, I asked him about 5 times if he was sure he would be ok and finally he said, "I wish you would go - I'm really tired of you being the REST NAZI!" So I took off to play with my friends! We presented a check to Dr. Burks in Chapel for over $100,000 and the luncheon was to honor Louise Ganus on her 85th birthday. We raised over $25,000 to add to the newly named Louise Ganus Endowed Scholarship Fund. All of her family was there and I was so glad to see them and so glad to see such a sweet Christian lady honored! Corinne Graham from Memphis also go a Worthy Woman Award which was very much deserved. Also Dot Beck from Searcy got one....I told her I wasn't so sure about hers (of course, I was kidding, but we have this long standing joke because she is the one who taught Tim to fish and took him and her son fishing before they could drive every afternoon after school and I telll her I'm not sure I'll ever forgive her for that...of course, I have and I love her to death!).

I spent the night with Beckie. I told her I get a little more jealous every time I come over there because Gene is looking more and more like Santa Claus and she gets to live with him. He is just looking beautiful! You need to post a picture of him on your blog, Beckie, so every one can see what I mean! He's got that beard, but more importantly, he's got that smile and cute little tinkle in his eye. I just want to sit on his lap and hug on him every time I see him! He will let me hug him but I've not been brave enough to try to sit on his lap yet....

I also got to see my nephew, Wil, Katie and Cristen Cozzens, and lots of old friends. That's the wonderful thing about AWH functions! I even saw Esther who went on the first trip to Ukraine with me! I haven't seen her is so long! It was wonderful seeing all those old friends that I seldom get to see and pick up right where we left off...I was tired when I got home and am still tired today...spent a little too much time on my feet yesterday so I'm laying on the couch today with my back flat....I'll be so glad when my back is completely healed and it doesn't hurt anymore!


Callie said...

I just now discovered that you have a blog! I saw you in chapel yesterday. I would've said hi, but I was in the balcony and I didn't think you'd hear me.

BW said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA! I will try and find an appropriate photo to post on my blog. I am so glad that everyone is feeling better.
BTW, six weeks from today we will be at Gulf Shores!

Jenn said...

Keep after him, you rest nazi!! Glad you had fun at the meeting...there is nothing like being with your friends.