Monday, March 31, 2008

Doctor Reports

OK, folks, it's official...I'm, not really....the neurologist said I have something called Post Traumatic Headache Syndrome. Yes, it is real. Google it and read about it if you want. In short, people who have migraines and get a lick on the head like I got tend to have migraines more frequently and severely for 3-6 months after the head trauma and I have had a headache nearly everyday since then. He suggested that I take off 3-6 months and do nothing to allow my brian time to heal.

The psychologist told me to take at least 3 months to heal emotionally so that's what I'm going to do. Keith, the clinic director has been kind enough to find someone to take my cases for me (except for one that I want to keep) and at the end of 3 months, we will reevaluate the situation. Dr. Clement wants to see me weekly for a few weeks. I have to go back to Dr. Landy (the neurologist) in May for a recheck. We'll see what happens from here!


Danny said...

Sorry to hear about this Tammie. My heart goes out to you.

Unknown said...

well, i'm glad you got a diagnosis. this is good news to me, as it is A. not unusual and B. there is a healing process.

Rushton said...

Taking time off to heal is a very good thing! Be sure to actually get in some real "do nothing" time!

BW said...

Do you have enough books? And I am not talking about counseling books! You might also want to check out Netflix. You are going to NEED lots of laugh time and watching old movies and TV shows could be a way to laugh.

Tammie's Thoughts said...

I have a lot of books, but I can't concentrate very well when I read. I usually just end up watching TV or napping. Today I'm going to get a massage and see Dr, Clement. This is the strangest feeling I've ever had...not like me at all! I'm still having a headache about once a day but it goes away if I take meds and lay down with ice as soon as it starts so that's really good!