My dear sweet mama went home to be with the Lord yesterday, Friday, February 29, 2008 at 2:00 pm. While it was very hard to let her go, it was an answer to our prayers. Since Papa Mutt died in December, it seems that Mama had lost her will to live. She wouldn't eat, didn't sleep hardly at all, was in pain a great deal of the time, and just seemed lost in general with out Papa Mutt to ground her. These photos were taken this summer at a cousin's reunion. In the first one, Mama fell asleep sitting up which is what she did most of the time since Papa Mutt died. The other is of Mama with her brother, Tom and sister, Des.
This last week of her life was unbearable for her. She had been in the hospital with pneumonia, a kidney stone in each kidney, bloating in her stomach, congestive heart failure and several other medical things wrong with her that I didn't understand, but she died with all her family around her and all of us singing hymns - she loved to sing and had the most beautiful voice until the end when she couldn't talk anymore...the only time she seemed alive since Papa Mutt died was when she was in church singing or at the nursing home singing with different groups who would come in to sing with the residents and she knew every word of every song and she sang out with that beautiful, clear soprano voice. When the preacher quoted a scripture, she quoted it right along with him and when he asked a question, she answered it right out loud! She did love the Lord and I am so grateful that she taught me to love Him, too. I was talking today with my sister and brothers about how we had a "drug" problem when we were kids...Mama drug us to church every time the doors were open and to gospel meetings and singings every where in the Mississippi Delta and usually by herself because Daddy didn't become a Christian until I was in college.
You know, I know she's singing with the angels and she is not hurting anymore and that is exactly what we prayed for and we told her while she was laying in that hospital bed that she could go and that we would be OK....and we will be, but the moment she took that last breath, I wanted to take it all back...only I don't want her back the way she was but the way I knew her when I was growing up...always singing and with a smile on her face, taking care of us and taking care of our friends and others...Yep, God does answer prayers and sometimes He gives you exactly what you ask for and when you get it, you're not always ready for it! What fickle humans we are!
Bless you, Tammie. I'm glad she gave you that "drug problem." She seems to have passed on some very good qualities, including a deep capacity to love others.
---Jeff Henig
My memories of visiting with Maw are few but oh-so-special. I loved that I could call her Maw even though she wasn't my grandmother. She treated me like I was her granddaughter whenever I saw her and that made her special to me. Caden used to call me "Ma" as he was learning my name and I always thought of Maw when he did...I felt honored to share her name, even if it was for just a few months. "Miss" Tammie, I know you have lots of mixed emotions right now...please find comfort in knowing that a lot of people, including us, are praying for you and your family. I love you.
There is nothing like losing your mama. I'm so glad our mothers will get to meet eachother! They live together at a much better address than they ever imagined! Singing and holding babies!
God bless you and yours.
I removed the comment above - had my Aaron's name instead of me.
She was an extra special lady who passed those qualities on to her children. Did you know that she made the very first homemade vegetable soup and cornbread that I ever ate and actually liked! And then there were those biscuits. She never got flustered, no matter how many kids we piled into cars and brought to Indianola. She was/is and angel.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Praying for you and wish that I could be there tomorrow. Even though I can't, know that I'm with you in spirit.
Love you much.
What sweet thoughts you wrote about your Mama. I wish we'd had more opportunities to be around her. I'm sorry we couldn't stay for tomorrow, would have also liked to have given Will a hug, hope they made it in safely. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you all. It will be a special service with all the angels rejoicing!
Love, Beth
I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what it is like to lose your Mother. Blessings on your and your family.
Sorry to hear about this- sorry for you and Diana and the rest of your family.
But I am not sorry for her- because as a Christian lady of faith and grace she is now rejoicing evermore wiht Mutt.
You are in my prayers.
We love how much your Mama loved the Lord and how she "drug" ya'll everywhere! We are sorry for ya'll's spot in your heart that will be missing her, but she is loving where she is right now, for sure! We are thinking about all of ya'll and give Laura (and the baby! Feel all of the little kicks that you can!) and Joe our love!
Much love!
You and your family are in our prayers. I tried to work it out to get down there yesterday and just couldn't. See you back at the office. Keith
It is wonderful to know that your mother lived a full life. We are glad we got to know her through you as you seem to share so many of her posive charateristics. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Augustine & Lynn
Tammie - You are so special to us and even though I didn't know your mother very well, I can see the person that she was through you and your love for the Lord.
Tammie what a sweet testament to your mother! I loved all the times spent with her when she would come to visit you while we were neighbors. The time spent in MS during cotton picking season was one my children and I will never forget. That was as close to "country livin'" that they will ever experience, and your mother helped to make it special. I can remember them asking her to cackle like a witch and she always did to their giggles and glee. She was always so patient with the children and when they started to do something they shouldn't she would tell them "You might want to think about that for a minute before you do it. I don't think you want to get into trouble with your mamma". There is no telling how many times she "kept our children out of trouble". =-)
I will miss her, but the sweet memories will always be a part of me and you! =-)I love you dear friend!
Leslie <><
Tammie, My your good memories comfort you during this time of loss. God bless you and your family. We miss you guys! In Christian Love, Chris, Susan, Matt & Madison Harward
Hi, Tammie. I'm Jenn's friend.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It sounds like she was a wonderful Christian woman.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Could you eamil me Diana's address?
Tammie, What a wonderful testament your mom's life was. I enjoyed your memories written here. It sounds as if she was a true blessing in many people's lives. I pray that you have peace. It is so hard to say goodbye because we know how much we will miss someone. But you will see her again. Thank you for sharing her through this blog.
Susan Hannah
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