We had a cookout here Saturday night for the music ministry. Special thanks to Ken Cox and Eric Channey for patting out the burgers. I cannot stand to put my hands in hamburger meat! After we ate, we all went upstairs and listened to the newest CD they are getting ready to do. It sounds great so you are all going to have to come to Sycamore View so you can get one for free when you turn in your visitors card.

We had a fish fry at the Inman's on Sunday night for the Pepperdine group. It was lots of fun. The food was good and the company even better. The kids had a great time playing outside and fishing in their pond. This is Brenda South making great hushpuppies and Crista cooking fish and chicken fingers for the kids. Also Fadea is in the pink pants with the pony tail and Candice Goff id there with Brenda. Sorry I don't have more close up face photos....but I never had the camera in my hand! That's Hannah Newsome fishing in the pond. The photo with the children playing in the wagon is so great. They are have a great time. The two little blonde girls in the wagon are Carlyle and Kaycee. I've got them talking Tim into buying me a big diamond ring like their mothers have. They are so funny. They call him the "purple man" or "pink man" or whatever color shirt he has on and every time they see him, they tell him that he needs to buy me a big diamond or either a swimming pool. They are cousins and they are so cute!
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