Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Photo

This is a new photo for the church directory. I am trying to add it as my blog photo but I have not yet quite figured out how to do it yet.


Tony said...

hey pretty lady. how are you guys?!? I miss ya'll! And yes i'm still married, and yes this is the one for me! ;-)

BW said...

this is beautiful!!!

Lyn said...

let me see if i remember how to do this- to change your blogger profile picture go to "edit my/your profile" (button under your current picture on your profile page) and you have to have a photo host- like photobucket or the like. after that- you get the IMGcode from your host, and paste it into the photo url blank under photograph.

hope that works!

BW said...

I am so laughing out loud and holding my sides I am laughing so hard at those instructions. Lyn, I am sure they are absolutely correct. HOWEVER, Tammie has probably never heard of an IMGcode and I would bet money that she does not know what the url blank is. But, I love her anyway and would not want her to change one bit!

Tammie's Thoughts said...

I'll have you know that I did go to the edit page for my blog where the photo is and I copied all that garbage where the picture is and put it in the url blank on the edit page, but it keeps telling me that the letters are incorrect, so I have tried various parts of those letters but have not yet stumbled upon the correct combination yet!

Rambling Psychoses said...

Okay, so I miss you guys. I also miss my pillow--I left it at your house and never called you about it! Heh.

Oh, BTW, I've finally started a blog.

I made a funny or two... (;^)

---Jeff Henig