My test is over once again. I knew a few more answers for sure this time than I did last time so we'll see..or at least I think I did. At least the first question was so wild, I started the test with a laugh and wanted to write in the answer, "Put her in an institutuion and check her out completely because she must have lost it all!" but that wasn't an option so I put the most politically correct answer... We'll see...
Now yesterday I started to buckle down on my Ghana Bible College Lectures. I'm really getting excited about that even though I feel less prepared than I ever have...sure wish I had all those notes that I had to throw away afte the fire...it would be so much easier than recreating them, but I got excited yesterday when I started wrtiting and it was all coming back to me so that's good. I hope I'll get it all done this weekend! I'll be glued to the computer...now if I can just keep muself on task and not be looking at blogs and e-mails and facebook and such!
So glad that the test is over and you can have fun getting ready for your trip! It all sounds so exciting! Mom, Dad, Jess, Jon and Grandma James are coming this weekend for a visit and what am I doing today when I should be cleaning? Going to lunch with Stacy Barnes (Randy Barnes sweet wife)...a girls gotta eat, right? If ya'll all decide to get old together, we'll just put ya'll all in Harding Place and you can have one big party all the time!!
Sounds good to me! Harding place will never be the same. I think I may be ready to move there now...they cook two meals a day for youthere you know!
See you on Friday Miss Tammie...it sure is nice to be able to say that!
When they prayed over us this morning at church, I looked straight at Rick and rubbed it in that I was going to get to see you all...Leslie was sick with a stomach virus. Rick grinned from ear to ear. Can't wait!
I hope you have a wonderful trip! I'm sure you did great on your test.
i liked getting to see pictures on your blog!
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