Saturday, January 06, 2007

Nice Prison Visit

Woodie Cooke and I had a nice visit to Parchman today to visit with a couple of inmates. Getting to know these guys surely changes the way you feel about prisoners in general. Both of these guys have been there for quite sometime and in fact, today was Chance's first visit in 6 years. Can you imagine that? Being locked up without a visit from the outside for 6 years?!? He is only 27. That is the same age as my Laura. It is really sad to me...Sad that he did what he did to be in prison in the first place when he was young and stupid and even sadder still that in all these years not one family member has cared enough to come to see him. I love my children with all my heart and I pray that there will never be a time when I will have to visit them in prison, but I certainly pray that if that should ever happen for any reason that I would still love them dearly and make every effort to visit with them regularly!

Joe is really wanting to go to China to see Luke Cooke really bad. Tim agreed to pay for his ticket if he can come up with his spending money, so...he's gotta get on the ball and get a job somehow to make some money for that trip. I've never really had a desire to go to China, but if Joe ends up there with Luke, Woodie and I just might have to go for a visit there. We laughed all the way home today (even though it is NOT EVEN FUNNY!) about having Chinese grandchildren!

Tim had a good day at an art workshop today!


Unknown said...

Glad you had a nice visit and that they didn't decide to keep you!

Anonymous said...

I think you need to give us your email address ours is your husband is going on Another ski trip our appt was changed to 11:30 so we can't eat lunch so adjust your schedule-we can still see you at some point though-I think you're due a trip to China real soon, but that's just my opinion-ha!ha!Luv cheryl