Sunday, February 24, 2008

What I Don't Like About Getting Older!

Well, my oldest cousin, Bud Mullen, for those of you who know her, he was Carylon Mitchell's oldest brother, was buried today. He had cancer but he got pneumonia and couldn't pull through it. He's the first cousin I've lost to death (other than car wrecks) and I don't like it one bit. Bud used to have a convertible when I was a teenager and he was a lot older than me, so all the cousins my age would tell him that if he would take us for a ride in the convertible that we wouldn't go home to Aunt Becky's (of Tea Cake fame) with him to spend the weekend, so he would take us for a ride and then we would still all go home with him to spend the weekend. Aunt Becky was always glad to have us and Bud tolerated us pretty good. I didn't get to go to the funeral because of this stupid head injury. I got the staples out on Saturday, but I still feel dizzy when I stand up too fast and so I didn't feel comfortable to drive myself down there and Tim's afternoon is filled with practice for the Easter Chorus and Pepperdine Lectures Praise Team. Mama is back in the hospital with another kidney infection and I haven't been able to go down and help Diana either. I feel bad about that, but that's life, i guess.

Joe will be home from China on Thursday night late. That will be interesting to see if he's decided he wants to go back to live there or not.

1 comment:

Danny said...

Sorry to hear about all these troubles.

Yep, getting older basically sucks! lol