Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Good Weekend...even better week?

I just dropped Joe and Tim off at the airport to go skiing in Colorado until Sunday...now what will I do with these few days alone? How I wish I could just lay back and watch TV and read good novels, but I must study for my MFT Boards and get my teaching materials ready for Ghana and see a few clients in between but at least I don't have to worry about taking care of anybody but me! Pray that I'll get a lot done while they are gone and that they will be safe. On Friday they have a day planned to go on the back side of the mountain on a snowcat in the "real" snow...

Last weekend was really fun with our family. Poor Mama was confused most of the day and couldn't remember who everybody was - especially the grandchildren that she doesn't see very often, but she did sit around with a big smile on her face all day knowing that her family was all there around her. We had wonderful food and wonderful fellowship. Tamara Lynn kept telling John stuff that he did not need to hear about how to get to me if I made him mad! I'm not sure that was a good thing...but we enjoyed having John and Laura with us for the little while that they were here. Tracy got on a singing Christmas Carol kick that was really fun. And Dirty Santa was fun as always. The younger neices and nephews all loved their Hard Rock Rome stuff and thought it was really neat.

OK, I'm off to do whatever I want to do...haven't decided yet what that is...what a wonderful feeling!


Anonymous said...

Hey auntammie,
I really enjoyed the skelton christmas. I dont think ive seen Laura so talkative, interactive, and just plain happy. Dont sit around the house this week too much....jk. You should defntly have ice cream every night for supper or cheesecake. Oh, u should also go to the movies and watch a chick flick with a friend(s). STUDY in ur spare time. I know you know everything u need to know, because u are already a great therapist! Just hang in there and itll all be over soon.(just like this term for me). Love u, call me if u get bored Wil

Tammie's Thoughts said...

I so wish I would once in my life have enough time to sit at home by myself with nothing to do long enough to get bored, but you know what...that has never happened that I can recall! Especially now that you have me hooked on facebok along with this blog thing...I am not sure I could ever be bored!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tammie,
Thought I'd comment on my 1st blog ever once I figured it out. We enjoyed seeing all of you and we're just about done with your leftovers. Hope Tim and Joe made it ahead of the snowstorm. Can you have too much snow coming down to ski? We're busy cooking again for the next family coming in to visit. We'll have leftovers if you want to come see us like you talked about. Hope to see you soon. Love Cheryl

BW said...

Were your ears burning? We talked about our fun trips some tonight and had several good laughs. Reagan loves telling the bed folding up story!! We are having a great time. But still can't wait to see everybody. Many Christmas hugs and I hope that Tim and Joe didn't have too much of that blizzard to deal with.