Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Great News!

We found cheap airline tickets at the last minute so John and Laura will be flying to Memphis this weekend after all to go to Corinth with us...much cheaper than Tim could fly up in his plane to get them anyway and they might even get here in time for Carrie's wedding! HOOOOOORAAAAAY!

P.S. John got a job interview in Maryland. Can't remember the college name, but he's excited.
and Tim has been laughing at me since my last post because I spelled Check Republic wrong...I still don't know how to spell Check Republic correctly, but you know what I mean anyway...


BW said...

It doesn't matter how you spell the name of that country as long as you spell your name correctly when you sign the credit card charge slip!

Jenn said...

Whoopie!! That is great news!!! I'm with you..who cares how it is spelled, we know what you mean!

Anonymous said...

well im very glad theyll be there....poor john...now the real initiation begins!.....OOOOO I only have 2 more finals (behavirol stats and Personality Theory)! 2 days til i have a normal (as normal as it can be) life again! We also need to talk about ur christmas card. I would just like to say it is very open to interpretation.
Love ya, Wil

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