Friday, November 30, 2007

Harding is Wonderful!

Mike Cope's blog had an plug for ACU yesterday, so I think I need to do one for Harding....If you thinking about college, Harding is the place to go! It was the four best years of my life and my friends I made there are still my best friends in the whole wide world! If you think you might have an interest in Harding at all, look on the Haring University website or leave me a comment here with your information and I'll get the right person to get in touch with you. Can't find a better, more fun, place with higher academic standards than Harding to go to! We also have a needs based scholarship through Associated Women for Harding that you can apply for. Some of my happiest, funniest memories are in Searcy and /or other places with my Harding friends! Can't beat it!!!!!

1 comment:

dragon134 said...

thanks for the wise words, ms. tammie:) and congratulations about your future grandbaby - you and mr. tim will make the best grandparents!