Saturday, March 24, 2007

Can you believe it?!?

We were sitting at the breakfast table this morning and Tim reminded me that a compression fracture makes me shorter! SHORTER! Can you believe that? I think I'll ask Dr. Cole if he can put me on some kind of stretching table to stretch that back out and make add an inch or teo while he's at it! Maybe just enough to more evenly distribute this belly fat!


Unknown said...

Did you smack Tim for that one?!?! I think he deserves it!

Rushton said...

You know, I grew an inch taller while I was pregnant.

Well, it was JUST a THOUGHT!

Tammie's Thoughts said...

I'd rather be SHORT than PREGNANT!

Melody said...

:) What a thing for Tim to say!

I'm wondering on that growing taller while pregnant thing... I could have used an extra inch or two!