Sunday, January 27, 2008

Magic is amazing!

Tim and I went to the Bartlett Performing Arts Center again last night. This time to watch a, well, I would call him a magician, but he called himself a perceptionist and said that he used the power of suggestion. He was amazing. He could bend and break silverware with his mind and he could "read minds."

How he could do all of this, I have no idea how he did what he did but I know he didn't have plants in the audience because most of the people he called up there were people we knew (Bartlett is a small town, you know...) He even had 4 different people stand up and one told him what kind of car they would have if they could have any car in the world. The next told him what color, the next told him price, and the other the license plate number. He wrote them all down and then had a little boy who we happened to know come up and take a piece of paper out of his billfold and read the exact same information from it. Now, HOW DID HE DO THAT?????

Never fails to amaze me no matter how many times i see it...of course, I had been in the bed most of the time since Thursday with a migraine and was back there again today for most of the it could have been the drugs, But everyone around me was amazed, too!

I you ever get the chance to see Craig Kargus, go!


Danny said...

But did he pull a rabbit out of his hat? lol

Tammie's Thoughts said...

No, but he did things much more amazing than that!