Saturday, July 07, 2007

a few pics from the cousin's reunion

These are the cousins who showed up...Robin, Diana, Me, Bill, Joyce, Kim, Linda...Bob was there for a while, but he had to leave to go see his girlfriend before we started taking photos,
Mama, Uncle Tom, and Aunt Des - their only other living siblings are Aunt Grace in Maryville and Uncle Aaron in Harrison, AR who weren't able to come.
My brothers and sister.
Kim and her husband, Robbie took a fun drive in Tim's car on those little curvy country roads.
Hope we'll have more cousins to join us next time...we really had a good time catching up! Two of our cousins, Joy and Terri, when to see "the Full Monty" in Little Rock that weekend. I called to see if they still had full vision after the show or if God had struck them blind, but Terri said they could both see least out of one eye...they were williing to risk one each.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im so glad you put these was a really nice weekend