Thursday, April 06, 2006

It feels good to be affirmed!

Just have to brag a minute...had a client come in severeal weeks ago who had been seen previously by a psychologist and diagnosised with bipolar. As I l istened to the mother talk, I didn't hear signs of that at all but kept thinking that it sounded more like oppositional defiant dissorder to me. I told the mother I wasn't a doctor but from her description, ODD seemed like a better diagnosis and suggested that she check it out with a psychatrist. Well, she did yesterday and came back today with her child and a diagnosis of ODD and medication to fit the diagnosis. I might not have passed that test the first time, but i ain't as dumb as that test makes me look either. I'm still enjoying working with my kids!

1 comment:

Brett, April, Caden, Corban & Eden said...

moments like this are always good to blog about. in a few months when your blog has lots of archives, go back and read this one. it can put a smile on your face when the "days are gray and lonely". -april