Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Feelilng Helpless

What a helpless feeling it is to be in Philly with a weddding just 8 days away!!! I should have know better! I am learning a lot and would not give anything for the experience I am having here, but this e-mailing and long distance phone calling is just not the same as being together and getting hugs from each other and Laura does give the best hugs in the whole wide world...Tim and Joe and John give good ones, too....but, boy, could I use a Laura one right now!


Anonymous said...

Call me if you need to talk or want me to do something. Rick left for Kentucky for a Woodturners Symposium until Sat. So I have plenty of time. =-)
Leslie {{{{{{{Hug}}}}}}}

BW said...

We will all survive this. I am available for counseling and long distance hugs at any time.