Monday, July 24, 2006

Sitting with Wil

Wil (my nephew) had his wisdon teeth out today and he is in the guest bedroom sleeping away. I have to go check on him every 30 minutes or so and in the meantime, I am writing my blog, reading everyone else's and I am eventually going to strat my research for my talk - A Clear Conscience - Dealing With Issues of Anger - for the Harding Ladies Lectureships in September...reckon there's an underlying reason why they picked me for that topic?

I bought my ticket last night to go to Italy at Thanksgiving to see Beckie with Vivivan. I can hardly beleive I really did it, but I did. Tim has been poor-mouthing ever since he landed his plane in the snow bank in Colorado last year before Christmas, but he's still planning all of his ski trips and fishing trips, so I figure I can take one trip to Italy with Vivian to play with Beckie. My family is having Christmas the weekend before Christmas and Tim's family is having Christmas at Christmas, so I'll get to be with everyone at one holiday so why not spend Thanksgiving with my other family - Beckie and Vivian?!? They've been my family longer than lots of people in my family anyway....

Tim did point out today that one month from today will be our 32nd wedding anniverisary. Sometimes it seems like just yesterday when his dad was calling to say that the landing gear had not stayed down when he landed in Searcy and he bellied in the plane and would be late for the rehersal and Mike James was calling to say that Jennifer had been born in the middle of the night and he was sending someone else to take pictures until he got there (and boy was I glad he got there as was the other photographer- we both thought the other was nuts!). Something went right though because it's stuck all these years through lots of ups and downs and I still wouldn't want to be married to anyone else...Tim has made a great life for us! And I thank the Lord for him everyday!

Joe and I went to Mississippi to help Diana, my sister, move into her new house which is up near Corinth, Friday night and Saturday. It's quite a bit smaller than the one she was in but a very nice house anyway and plenty of room for just her. And she is very sentimental about all knds of things and is having a hard time getting rid of a lot of stuff. The people who sold the house left it nearly full of furniture! So she has all that to deal with as well as her stuff. There's one particularly unique photo of pink flamingos that was left in one of the bathrooms. I encouraged her to use it for a Christmas exchange gift...but I don't think she's quite brave enough to do it. Maybe I'll take it off her hands...I ususally have several of those kind of parties to go to...surely I can find a use for it. By Christmas, all of you who read my blog will have forgotten about that picture so you'll be surprised when you get it!

Hope ;you all have a wonderful day!


BW said...

I am so happy that you bought a ticket! What day are you arriving? Where are we going to go when you get there!

Anonymous said...

We are arriving in Rome on Nov. 21 and departing on Nov. 30 at 10:25 am from Rome. I understsood from Vivian that she wants to go from
Rome South...but then I found out that Jon James was goingto be over there then so we might have to make arrangements to see him, too...we'll see....I've not been south of Rome so I'm all for going anywhere south of there. I'm trying to talk diana into going,but I'm not having much luck.

Anonymous said...

Wish you well.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU so much for sitting with me. By the way if i am ever put to sleep take my computer away from me for like two days after. I have so many friends telling me i was hilarious on AIM. The thing is i dont remember talking to them. I so hope i didnt say anything foolish. Oh well it just confirms why they love me in the first place. Ps tell uncle tim thanks for taking me fly fishing. Even though i only caught one more fish. I was just leaving some for next time!!!!